Coffee Induced Conversation on Faith, Life, and Ministry

Friday, June 14, 2013

FOCUS: Worship Thoughts 6/19/13

Here's something you may not know about me:  I am introverted.  I may have explained this before, but it is a very weird tension that I live in.  If you only know me from leading worship on Sunday mornings, you might think that I am boisterous, extroverted, never-met-a-stranger type person.  However the reality of it all is most days I would rather keep to myself.  Don't misread that to say that I don't like being around people because that is not the case at all. It's more about my interaction with small groups of people.  I'm just not real good at it (another strange dichotomy because I am also a small groups pastor).

So when my church decided that we will be joining the Explore God initiative, an evangelistic experiment in Austin to increase the amount of conversation about spiritual things, especially God, my heart started to beat anxiously and I started thinking about all the comfortable walls I have built for myself crumbling down.

I have never had a problem talking about God when God is the subject.  However, approaching people about God has never been my long suit.  I still adhere to being an example of Christ first, and allowing the Spirit to spark the conversation, yet sometimes the Spirit starts a flame and I quickly douse it with a cup of water.  Culture has conditioned me to think of those things as taboo, and I think that people really don't care about my faith.  But what I'm hearing out of this Explore God stuff is that is just not true.

Maybe it's the introverts like me that have set up these rules of engagement to say "don't talk overtly about religion, because it makes people (especially yourself) uncomfortable.  Save the sermon for the pulpit."  With that sentiment, I have just tried to be a good, loving, compassionate person in hopes that people will see something different in me and experience Christ.  Hopefully that has been the case, but I think that Jesus has called me beyond that.  The Holy Spirit is slowly chipping away at my slight-of-hand style of evangelism, where I hope that you figure out that I am follower of Jesus by the way I live, and is challenging me to be more overt with my faith.  I probably won't be the Tim Tebow of Georgetown, but I have do a better job of communicating the hope I have in Jesus Christ.

I'm not talking about going out with signs and a bullhorn in front of Wal-Mart trying evangelize strangers...I'm talking about the relationships I have now.  My friends and my family who don't know the love of Christ.

I feel that Satan has robbed me of a number of wonderful, life-giving relationships because I have chosen to hide behind the taboos of talking about religion.  I am so blessed to be married to someone who has pulled me out of my comfort zones a number of times and it's in those uncomfortable experiences where I have been the most blessed in my faith.

This Sunday in our worship time, we are going to be seeing Jesus out amongst the people, sharing God's love with everyone he encounters.  One of those encounters includes a couple of stories about things that were lost but then were found.  The challenge for me this week is that I have to rethink how I share the love of Jesus Christ.  For me, I need to be more comfortable vocalizing my faith outside of my holy huddles and get my feet wet in the uncomfortable.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go to a training for Explore God's discussion group material.  One of the videos we watched really moved me to think about my life and my faith.  The pastor/writer in the video talked about his dad going to a coffee shop and ended up talking to a group of "hippies" about life and purpose.  As those conversations often go, the topic of conversation then transitioned to God and the Gospel.  One of the guys at the coffee shop then made a very blunt observation about this man. He said "I don't think that you really believe this message you are talking about."  The man replied with a chuckle "Yeah?  Why is that do think?"  The guy from the coffee shop replied "Because if you really believed would have been here a long time ago and wouldn't leave until all of us had accepted it."  And the guy got up and left.

How serious do I take my call from Jesus to "Go and tell"?  As someone who cares deeply about people experiencing the love and grace of Jesus Christ, why have I often withheld it from others because I am afraid of making things uncomfortable?

Father, forgive me.  When words are needed, let me speak.  When listening is required, open my ears and make me attentive.  Stir in me a courage to speak love and truth into the relationships that you have so richly given to me.  Give me the boldness to step out of my comfort zones into new relationships you put in front of me.  May people, without any doubt, experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ overflowing from me.  

Songs for the Week
You're the One
Christ for the World We Sing
Send the Light
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Mighty to Save
Jesus, Name Above All Names
There's Something About That Name
Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
People Need the Lord
Softly and Tenderly
Shine Jesus Shine


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