Coffee Induced Conversation on Faith, Life, and Ministry

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sacred Pathways - Gary Thomas (A very brief review)

The main book that I will be citing in the study of "Experiencing God on a Whole New Level" is a wonderful work called Sacred Pathways by author Gary Thomas.  Some of you are probably familiar with his other books focusing on marriage and parenting.  I was lucky enough to pick Pathways up off the Mardel discount rack for under $5.  In this work, Thomas explores nine different spiritual temperaments which  "describe the way we relate to God, [and] how we draw near to Him." (Sacred Pathways, 21).
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As I mentioned in my introductory post, this is going to be the focus and the scope of our Sunday morning discussions.  I highly value this work as a resource in this study because it has provided me with a discussion structure that I couldn't have designed otherwise.  I am deeply indebted to Thomas' work in this book for that reason.

Gary Thomas, above all, is a focused on spiritual formation.  Throughout this work, his desire is that individuals will find their niche in their experiences and interactions with God.  Through his research, Thomas outlines the nine different temperaments offering in depth overviews, Biblical examples, warnings and temptations, and solid examples of tested practice within each temperament.  Thomas describes the temperaments as follows:

NaturalistNaturalists Draw near to God through nature.

SensateSensates draw near to God through the senses.

TraditionalistTraditionalists draw near to God through ritual and symbol.

AsceticsAscetics draw near to God through solitude and simplicity.

ActivistsActivists draw near to God through bringing about social change.
CaregiverCaregivers draw near to God through caring for and serving others.
EnthusiastEnthusiasts draw near to God through celebration and mystery.

ContemplativeContemplatives draw near to God through personal adoration and heartfelt devotion.

IntellectualIntellectuals draw near to God through their minds.

In the following weeks we will be using Sacred Pathways as a guide for our discussions as we explore each temperament individually.  In case you missed it in the previous post, there is a great online assessment from this book where you can find our your dominant spiritual path.  

Be sure to check out Sacred Pathways at your local bookstore or your favorite online store.   Also you can find a number of great resources at Gary Thomas' website.


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